A Sustainable and Responsible Firm

Our Mission

Investance Partners is a company with a mission to promote social and ecological transition within the financial sector.

Given the ecological emergency and growing inequalities, finance plays a key role in developing a sustainable economy and investing in responsible companies.

Our purpose, enshrined in the firm’s articles of association, stems from this observation: ‘To be a responsible and sustainable firm for all stakeholders’.

Our Strategy


Supporting our customers in the ecological and social transition.


Improving our environmental and social impact.


Preserving a healthy and supportive working environment for our employees.

Our CSR Commitments


– A carbon footprint lower than 95% of companies of our size and in our sector (carbon footprint link).

– Financing of impact companies via Team for the Planet to offset incompressible emissions.

– Training all consultants in the ecological transition with Axa Climate’s Climate School and Regulation School.

– Awareness-raising events (Climate Fresco, CSR Fridays, round tables) for customers and employees.

– Recycling of all waste with Les Joyeux Recycleurs.

– Responsible digital approach and recycling of our computer terminals with Manutan.

Social & Ethic

-80/100 in the area of ethics in 2022 according to the EcoVadis rating agency, which measures the quality of our ethical systems (whistle-blowing procedures, code of conduct, RGPD policy, etc.).

-Obtaining the Lucie 26 000 label in September 2024 for a period of 4 years.

-7/10 in the ENPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), which measures the likelihood of our employees recommending our place of work.

-92% on the professional equality index.

-2 days a week of teleworking.

-2 seated massage sessions per month, supplemented by occasional meditation sessions.

-Awareness-raising events: Pink October, Disabled Employment Week, Smoke-free Month.

-Skills sponsorship for La Vie au Grand Air, a foundation committed to child protection.

Responsible Purchasing

-We have signed up to the French National Purchasing Council’s Charter for Responsible Purchasing and Supplier Relationships, and respect its ten commitments.

-Imposition of the Know your supplier (KYS) process on all our suppliers via a questionnaire sent to each new supplier.

-Commitment by our suppliers to respect CSR contractual clauses based on their size and sector of activity.

-33% of suppliers with a labelled CSR approach by 2023. Our target is 100% by 2030.

And This Website?

The choice of an eco-designed website and a ‘green’ web host is fully in line with our responsible digital approach. The EcoIndex evaluator awarded our site a B score, for an environmental impact of 1.7kg of CO2e and 25 litres of water for every thousand visits, equivalent to driving 5.5 km and taking a 5-minute shower. A score that we will improve by integrating other responsible digital practices.

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